Sale of electromagnetic protections

CryoZen is Exclusive Distributor of the high-technology against electromagnetic pollution for Benelux and France. Whether you are in Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands or France, benefit from the efficiency of CEM-Free devices.

Preserve your health against electromagnetic pollution

Electromagnetic protectionsNew technologies'considerably simplify our life. But they have harmful effects on human's Health. The electromagnetic radiation can be countered without undermining the effectiveness of your fixed or mobile device, through the placement of our device in the following supports:

  • GSM, cell phones and smartphones;
  • PC screens and tablets;
  • TV;
  • Microwave;
  • Industrial and home electrical devices;
  • Wi-Fi routers,and sources of electromagnetic pollution.

Neutralization of electromagnetic radiation

EMC-Free solution consists of an adhesive to put on the battery on your gsm or smartphone or the front side of your screen or device.

This protection alters the path of the waves: harmful pulsed waves, they come linear and harmless, without the effectiveness of your unit, the source of electromagnetic pollution, being altered. The EMC-Free device is only active then a device is swithed on. It does not influence the health of the user.

Our solution against electromagnetic pollution combines these advantages:

  • Discretion: put it on and forget about;
  • Affordable price ;
  • Effectiveness scientifically proven effectiveness: the device is tested, certified and has received numerous awards by the specialists.

You want to equip you by protections against the electromagnetic pollution in Benelux countries or in France ?

Contact CryoZen for more information about our system of electromagnetic protection.